This Tea Bag movement is a fringe nut-case movement of people who are too stupid to be embarrassed at disclosing to the world that they are absolute morons. Yet, the mainstream media gives these groups legitimacy by airing story after story about them.
How stupid are these people? The list is endless… but their crowning statement of idiocy is the choice of name for their movement: TeaBaggers.
From the Urban Dictionary:Fortunately for their opposition, they didn’t call themselves New Patriots or the Not Tax But Spend Anyway movement. This is Moron America at its worst.
teabagger - multiple meanings. 1) one who carries large bags of packaged tea for shipment. 2) a man that squats on top of a woman’s face and lowers his genitals into her mouth during sex, known as "teabagging" 3) one who has a job or talent that is low in social status 4) a person who is unaware that they have said or done something foolish, childlike, noobish, lame, or inconvenient. 5) also see "fagbag", "lamer", "noob"
I agree completely about those nimrods but I could totally have lived without that second definition.
Isn't the phrase "suck my balls" similar to "kiss my ass"? The footballer George Best once said a rival player was "good enough to suck my balls".
people need their causes. and they need their labels. it's just what they need. and sometimes, i have the need to point out how stupid their needs are.
Secret Agent The second definition is what accentuates the irony... that these morons do not have the slightest wisp of original thought. Cluelessness on a monumental level.
Bananas Ok, now I am going to side with Secret Agent Woman on this one.
Kara Therein lies the conundrum, how do you point out to people that they are stupid if they are too stupid to comprehend how stupid they are? You can't reason with stupid.
Teabagging: Immersing a teabag in a cup, allowing it to steep for a few minutes, removing the bag from the cup, adding a spoonful of honey, and drinking it with the pinkie finger extended.
I'm too busy making tea to comment on stupidity—I have my own to worry about.
And journalism died a long time ago.
Charlie I don't even drink tea... over the years I have learned to associate it will illness; my mother always made me drink tea when I had a cold or flu.
Indeed, the state of journalism in this country is beyond resurrection. Even Public Broadcasting now leaves me sadly disappointed.
Indeed!!!!! I find it amazing that many are retirees who are probably on SS and Medicare and other government programs but don't want socialized medicine. Right.
I keep thinking Jeff Foxworthy's routine: Here's your sign!!!
Kay Indeed the hypocrisy is the most blaring aspect of these morons... I think the only way to get through to them is to actually suspend their SS benefits. When they complain, the response should be: "Well, you don't want Socialism, do you!"
GREAT video!
I actually heard about teabagging from some teens before the teabaggers began their little right-wing play group. It amazed me that they didn't seem to know what it meant in the "real world". Hilariously ironic.
alwaysinthebackrow Of course "irony" is a concept a bit out of the mental reach of the TeaBaggers. Putting a felt-tip-pen Hitler moustache on an Obama poster is about the upper limit of their humor quotient.
I would like to know if any of you have any real Intelligence? They never have called themselves teabagers. Do you have any understanding of this movement? Probably not. Talk about morons you run your mouth with out facts.
Anonymous From Wikipedia: Tea Party protests have sought to evoke themes, images, and slogans similar to those used during this iconic, pre-Revolutionary period in American history.The name may also refer to the often-used acronym, "TEA Party," a play on a party slogan: "Taxed Enough Already."
Sara Palen has "Teabag Express" posters plastered all around her at every public event. The protesters proudly dangle tea bags from their hats, Rush calls them "Tea Party People" so I can see how the limited intellect of the "literalist" would be confused.
So Anonymous, here's your forum, pleas do give us the "facts"... Generally I believe people hide behind anonymity for the same reason the KKK wears hoods. If you don't have the balls to put your name behind your opinion, you must be ashamed that anyone could identify you with it.
So the Wikipedia definition tells you exactly what The Tea party stands for: less govenment involvement and less tax. Where's the problem there? Would you rather have them in everything and taking more of our hard earned money away in taxes?
"tea bagging" to an immature person may mean putting your balls in someones mouth, but are we immature here? Members of the Tea Party simply stand for a smaller government - for instance one that doesn't feel the need to have it's hands in every little aspect of our lives like how much salt we ingest - and lower taxes.
Oh and you should check your spelling I believe Sarah's name is spelled: Sarah Palin.
Just look at the facts.
My name is William Dorey
I live in califorina.
For more facts go here.
I looked at your site - If you are looking for Obama political gaffs, fine; I was going to put up some links to the plethora or Bush, McCain and Palin nonsensical homilies but how does move the discourse forward? We'll see if he goes on "vacation" as much as Bush did.
The facts are that after 8 years of the Republican administration's systematic dismantling of the "oversight" responsibility of government over banking, food and health safety and consumer protection (such as putting the head of Monsanto in charge of the FDA, for example) the Republicans closed their reign with the largest unemployment since the Depression and the largest budget deficit in our nation's history. During Clinton's term, you might recall, there was a budget surplus. While the Republicans were minding the store they essentially looted it.
If you think that providing medical care to citizens who are unemployed or under employed is "Socialism", fine... call it whatever you like. I expect that you will not apply for Medicare when you retire and self pay instead. Here are some FACTS for you: I have health insurance; it costs me $700/mo 4 years ago, the premium today is now $1,200. (That's $15,000 of disposable income I DON'T have to ply into our Consumer Economy) My nephew went to the ER and ran up $45,000 in medical. He's unemployed and no way to pay it... so we ALL pay for it in higher medical bills. My son-in-law changed jobs but his pre-existing kidney issue makes him uninsurable. All my kids went to public (Socialism) school. Socialism - call it anything you want. Communist China is a dictatorship, but their economic model is Capitalism.
I have seen what "less government" has done to our country over the 8 years that the Foxes were in charge of the hen house. I am both ready and eager for MORE government right now and for some corporate asses to get a serious kicking. When Bush left office the Dow Jones was at 6,500 and after a year of Obama, it's at 11,000. I may not like everything Obama does but I think I am going to give him a shot at for a while; I can't imagine he will do worse than the "less government" crowd.
By the way, I get my "Facts" from the non-partisan "factcheck.org". Try it... I'm sure you won't like it.
Your ok with bigger government. Then you can move to another country because this country and our constitution was created on the idea of smaller government.
(2) Providing health care through the government is Socialism. That is not what ever we want to call it, it is that by definition. Capitalism, Socialism and Communism are types of economic structures. Communist China has not existed since the 70's. After killing nearly 65 million they decided to get away from Communism. They have a hybrid Socialist/Capitalist system like we do. You have not experienced small government in this country because it has not existed for at least 100 years. We have been implementing more and more Socialism. Having the government provide for everyone breeds irresponsibility.
(3) Personally I want to create my own insurance and not have medicare or universal health care. I want to be personally responsible for my own health. The Dow Jones is up right now because we are in the eye of the hurricane. The next wall of the storm is coming and it will hurt worse than this one.
(4) Your nephew who rang up 45k in medical and can't pay is irresponsible as is his family who raised him. They should have had money set aside for things like that but instead they put the responsibility on the rest of the country to take care of them. It is not the insurance companies fault your son-in-law has a kidney problem. They are a business trying to make money. If he wanted to have medical care he should have not changed jobs or created his own insurance...again it's about being personally responsible.
It isn't surprising that you are ok with bigger government when we are nearly 13 Trillion in debt...that is irresponsible too. See a pattern here?
Your ok with bigger government. Then you can move to another country because this country and our constitution was created on the idea of smaller government.
Great, the old “love it or leave it” routine.” That’s what the bigots said to African-Americans when they told them to go back to Africa if they didn’t like segregation…instead the blacks chose to stay and they made our country better.
The last time I read the Constitution it didn’t say anything about small government. WHOSE interpretation is it that this country was created on the idea of smaller government? I have a completely different interpretation of the Constitution… according to MY interpretation, I have the freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness…
(2) Providing health care through the government is Socialism.
That’s just a label you parrot that Hannity or Colter or Limbaugh put in your head.
Communist China has not existed since the 70's.
From the current US State Department:
Government of China
Type: Communist party-led state.
Having the government provide for everyone breeds irresponsibility.
See I have a different view of irresponsibility- people dying in this country for lack of medical care is my definition of irresponsibility.
(3) Personally I want to create my own insurance and not have medicare or universal health care. I want to be personally responsible for my own health.
Not sure what you mean by “creating” your own insurance. Good luck with that. When you turn 65 your private insurance will REQUIRE you to apply for Medicare… you may be able to get Medicare “Supplement” policy from a private company. I hope you have lots of $$ as private insurance companies don’t like older (sicker) people as customers.
(4) Your nephew who rang up 45k in medical and can't pay is irresponsible as is his family who raised him. They should have had money set aside for things like that but instead they put the responsibility on the rest of the country to take care of them.
My “irresponsible” nephew had the gall to convince his employer lay him (and everyone else) off from his job and move operations to China. http://www.bizjournals.com/portland/stories/2009/06/01/daily26.html
His parents were a bit short on setting money aside; his father died of a recurrence of cancer at age 52 and his mother is permanently disabled.
Anonymous continued...
It is not the insurance companies fault your son-in-law has a kidney problem.
No, and it wasn’t my Wife’s fault that a guy (uninsured) ran a red light and hit her… glad we have insurance!!
They are a business trying to make money.
Exactly!!! And therefore they have every motivation to put profit ahead of patients. How is poor little CEO going to make his Lexus payment if all these sick people take up all their profits? Whaaaaa.
If he wanted to have medical care he should have not changed jobs or created his own insurance...again it's about being personally responsible.
Yeah, what a dope he was to let them lay him off after 10 years. He should have stayed at his desk and MADE them pay him anyway. (OOPS… sounds like Socialism).
It isn't surprising that you are ok with bigger government when we are nearly 13 Trillion in debt...that is irresponsible too. See a pattern here?
Yeah, I do… I see the trend in my increasing medical premiums, the increasing costs of the uninsured passed on to me in higher medical bills, the cost of medical insurance factored into the cost of goods ($1,700 added to the cost of a new car to cover employee medical). I see that medical bills are the second leading cause for personal bankruptcy in this country. I see this country has the same infant mortality rates as third-world countries; I see the increasing trend of pharmaceutical companies paying billions to advertise on prime time TV. I see a lot of trends I don’t like… so did others like me, so we put a new Sheriff in the Oval Office and he’s cleaning town and the bad guys don’t like it. Tough!
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