Our home of 19 years has finally sold; we settled into our new home earlier this last summer. I stopped by to say goodbye to the old place yesterday. Below are some pictures of the old home:

The home was newly constructed when we purchased it but I began remodeling it immediately, adding custom features and the Japanese garden landscaping. We were pleased to find out that the new owner had lived in Japan for several years; we are certain they will appreciate the garden and pond.
If you are curious to see more photos of the garden, you can view them
here. And a chronicle of my remodeling efforts can be seen
We are looking forward to living in our new home which has adequate space for our children and grand children and out-of-town visitors to stay.
It's hard to believe you could ever leave such a beautiful house and garden, especially as you added to and developed it yourself. But I suppose priorities change.
My husband and I and our four daughters have lived in the same house since January 1980. We are now entering our 31st year here.
Our house and garden have also changed under our direction.
I dread the day we leave, but we will leave one day - the place will be too big, when the last of our daughters finally moves out - but given our youngest is just 17, that might still be several years off.
Happy transitioning.
You had a beautiful home and it is obvious the work you put into it. Now, with your new house, I can only imagine the work starts anew to customize the environs to your life preferences.
Ah, an adventure!
And it's wonderful that that beautiful garden will be appreciated by another family.
What a beautiful and elegant home. I love that living room, and of course the garden. Thanks for showing it to me. I live in a bare-bones small apartment and would have been so privileged to live in a home like yours.
That looks like it was a very beautiful home and the garden was not only beautiful but very spiritual for its feel. I too like Japanese gardens. Really lovely
beautiful home.
Elisabeth Nancy's father has lived in his house now for over 51 years. It is badly in need of remodeling.
Jerry I have decided to radically reduce my "remodeling" compulsion on the new place. Simple projects instead like up grading hardware and such.
Dr. Mom That yard was high-maintenance for sure; weeding had to be done by hand and the pruning kept up to maintain the Japanese bonsai style of tree shaping.
DJan We rented a larger house for a while, renting out the smaller one we owned, back when we had teenagers living in the household. Once they moved out, the smaller space was adequate. But now that we have grand kids visiting, our space needs again increased.
Rain The Japanese garden was indeed spiritual. The spa in it's bathhouse was adjacent to the pond and waterfall, so soaking quietly in hot with the soothing sound of the waterfall was magical. We do miss that, though we brought the spa to the new home.
Billy It was indeed. Though one of our reasons for moving was the neighborhood. Ours was the nicest house in the area. Neighbors allowed their lawns to die or converted their front yards into compost piles. Falling down fences and bright blue and yellow painted houses... the neighborhood was an issue for us.
Robert, that's a stunningly beautiful place. If your new home is even half that beautiful it must be pretty cool. Actually wish you would have posted more pics. Am very impressed. I won't be sending photos of our old double-wide anytime soon.
It is reassuring to know that all of the work you put into that garden will continue to be appreciated by new owners. I am not sure of the next step in our transitioning. My husband loves the big house, like you, he loves that there is still a lot of room for visiting friends and family. I am closer to being ready to downsize. How did you make the decision?
Your old place is very elegant, but perhaps too delicate and ornate for frolicking grandchildren. I hope the fixtures and fittings in the new place can withstand them.
WOW!! it IS amazing what a little paint will do.
If I had seen the house from the outside, I could not have imagined the beauty you created behind the fence. Like another world!
I hope your next home is just as serene.....
Peter There are more photos in the links at the bottom of the article. But no, I am cutting back on remodeling in the new place... well, perhaps a Japanese style bathroom.
BackRow The decision was tough, but when we found that our kids, with grand kids in tow, would not stay over night due to space requirements, that was a factor. Also, we have some rental properties and we needed to liquidate an asset to increase our monthly income as medical insurance premiums now costs us more a month than the mortgage on that home!!!
Bananas Surprisingly the Japanese garden was quite resilient and the grand kids loved following the paths and over the bridges. But they had to be constantly supervised due to the pond. Still, they love our new place including the "troll closet" (the storage space under the stairs).
MartyrMom On one occasion the woman at the paint store told us we were so "brave" for painting in colors. She said she gets so tired of selling eggshell and beige paint to everyone.
You put a lot of work into the garden. It is tranquil and beautiful. I love the walkway and the different areas. Much happiness in 2011 in your new home.
I would think it would be hard to leave hat garden behind, but I hope you enjoy making the new place your own. Happy New Year!
What a lovely home -- if it were mine, I'd be buried in the garden and spend eternity there!!!
Happy New Year!!!!!
I can relate. We had a beautiful home and I wanted Caribbean, more simple, and less people. Are you going to post photos of your new house? I can already see you both have good taste.
Happy 2011, Sonia.
What a lovely home, peace and elegance. I can imagine how soothing the spa would be, especially with the waterfall sound. It sounds as though it attracted the new family which can appreciate it. Health and peace to you in the new year.
TechnoBabe The garden was a LOT of work. It reached the point were the maintenance became a drudgery and offset the enjoyment of the space.
SecretAgent The new home is more "generic", but I will be upgrading the lighting and hardware to make it a bit more luxurious.
Kay I did spend a lot of time in the garden. But a bare patch of lawn is soooo much easier to maintain.
Gutsy I don't know if photos of the new house would be all that interesting. It is just a residential two-story home. We were searching for a Mid-Century Modern, a style I am sure you are familiar with in Orange County. Alas, they are few and expensive. We have not given up the goal, we are watching.
Marylinn The spa and waterfall were indeed very relaxing. We had wanted to make our home a "resort" of sorts as travel is expensive for us. The first thing I did at the new home is set up the spa. Alas, we now listen to barking dogs and the smoker coughing next door, as we soak in our spa.
So many good memories of that old house... and many more to be made in the new one. We've already been very grateful for the extra room while visiting you both. I will profoundly miss that garden though. Good thing Nancy took such beautiful photos to immortalize its grandeur.
Waif Yes Nancy has some great photos of the garden.. including that one of the Koi and the Japanese maple reflected in the pond that was a finalist in the garden photo contest.
I will miss that garden as well as my memory fades for all the work it took. But it reached a point were the labor intensity began to outweigh the sooting nature of the environment.
I must admit, though, we are really pleased that the new house is big enough to accommodate you and the grand kids... and the "Troll Closet". *grins*
Well, congratulations, Robert.
Oh what a dear place,love the gardens, will you be making more in the new place?
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